Thursday, October 6, 2011

An Organic Mix

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Yes, that is a mirrored tree house, you have one~ right?
I am a student of juxtapositions. So, of course
I love the combination of natural, brown organics...
 and shine..that's a given.

This is the surface of a mirrored trunk
from my new favorite go to source for everything 
cool in home decor... Cokas Diko.
I first saw these trunks when looking for a new chandelier
and now on subsequent returns their dwindling numbers
haunt me.What can't one do with these?

 Possibly the most favorite of my fall wrist decor.
Leather & Rhinestone Cuff ~ The Collection

Source: None via Debbie on Pinterest
Clever use of mirror and wood on the way up.

Bejeweled in the rough.

Source: None via Debbie on Pinterest

I think we should  do this~ right?